I had planned my first blog on this new web site to be all about the personalities and manners in which the galleries that represent my work have been dealing with going Virtual. I'm so proud of their creative endeavors to show and sell artwork while their brick and mortar sites are shuttered.
But as the days, and then weeks, and now months, went by, and I still hadn't motivated to finish, I considered why…. clicking on Links is getting old. There would have been a lot of links in that blog post.
We're all so inundated these days with emails and zoom and fb live. It gets to be too much. I've even put off my monthly “From the Studio of Nard and Sheary” e-newsletter.
I don't know about you, but these days I often feel busier than before Covid. I can't keep up with all the links I've bookmarked to watch cool vid's and participate in free online classes. And of course, there's Instagram. Sooooooo many posts, soooooo much creativity bursting out of tiny squares.
So, instead of more words, I give you some images from Nard's and my days of “Staying In.” As you scroll through them, consider…
How have you been keeping busy during the quarantine period? And, what photos have you been taking to document this historic situation we are sharing?
Please let me hear from you in the comment area below. Thank you, and…. stay safe!