Sinton Pond and Pikes Peak: Sinton Trail has been a favorite bike route during Covid.
Corona Street, Colorado Springs. That word takes on new meaning…..
I had planned my first blog on this new web site to be all about the personalities and manners in which the galleries that represent my work have been dealing with going Virtual. I'm so proud of their creative endeavors to show and sell artwork while their brick and mortar sites are shuttered.
But as the days, and then weeks, and now months, went by, and I still hadn't motivated to finish, I considered why…. clicking on Links is getting old. There would have been a lot of links in that blog post.
We're all so inundated these days with emails and zoom and fb live. It gets to be too much. I've even put off my monthly “From the Studio of Nard and Sheary” e-newsletter.
I don't know about you, but these days I often feel busier than before Covid. I can't keep up with all the links I've bookmarked to watch cool vid's and participate in free online classes. And of course, there's Instagram. Sooooooo many posts, soooooo much creativity bursting out of tiny squares.
So, instead of more words, I give you some images from Nard's and my days of “Staying In.” As you scroll through them, consider…
How have you been keeping busy during the quarantine period? And, what photos have you been taking to document this historic situation we are sharing?
Please let me hear from you in the comment area below. Thank you, and…. stay safe!
PLAYING DRESS UP, just a little girl am I, and good for me… I play well alone. Should it be this way?
Or, this way?
Lots of Chalk Art Philosophy during neighborhood walks…”What Makes You Is You! Keep Being You!”
Let’s see what we can do with Blue Paint!
When we ARE able to invite friends back inside….
Lots of healthy cook’n’ going on!
As things should be…Nard in the kitchen, me with my feet up and a margarita!
Like so many of us, cancelled trips. This one was to see our daughter, Lauren, graduate with her MFA from Parsons. Yup, we attended virtually via Zoom.
Staying-in gives time for put-off “to-do’s” such as going through 30 years of journals so that the daughter doesn’t have to read through the dribble.
Self-care reminders: Move! Drink H2O, wash hands, don’t touch face. Painting above my desk: “Rain on Horizon,” by Cathy C Martin.
And, YES, lots of studio time!
Old Colorado City….empty Colorado Avenue.
Plenty of Hammock Time!
I decorated the Golden Rain tree in our courtyard with shells collected back in the day when we road-tripped to oceans East and West. A lot of time lately spent looking at Pikes Peak (distant, top right) from home.
I think we’re all feeling a little Funky these days!
Buffs take on added functionality!
Garden of the Gods…..yup!